Simple Caesar Shift Cipher
The letter
will be substituted for the letter A. This letter is the key that locks (encrypts) the message and the key that will unlock (decrypt) the message.
The simple encryption method
uses what is called a monoalphabet substitution cipher. It is probably
the first cipher to have been devised. It is called a Caesar shift cipher
as the technique used to encrypt and decrypt the message was known to
have been used by Julius Caesar. In the cipher used by Julius Caesar,
he simply replaced one letter of plain text with a letter shifted by three
places. Using our modern Latin alphabet, the letter 'I' would be replaced
by the letter 'L'. So, as an example, the encryption of JULIUS CAESAR
would be MXOLXV FDHVDU. Of course, we do not have to always shift the
letters by three places. Using just the uppercase alphabet, we can shift
it by 1 to 25 places. If we had used a shift of four places, the encryption
More on the Ceasar Shift Cipher.